Such a fascinating piece! Thanks for sharing, Sachi.

I find it really interesting to see how the different community boards’ bylaws are so different. On Manhattan CB8, for example, our board chair is limited to three consecutive one-year terms. In addition, any CB8 board member is allowed to vote in any committee meeting they attend — even if they’re not a member of that committee.

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Totally! CB5 JUST updated our bylaws last month to match CB8's, so now we have the same term limits for our Chair.

A group of dedicated CB5 members undertook a whole bylaws revision process that was super transparent and open to member feedback-- it took months and was incredibly well-executed. As a result, our bylaws are now in line with other community boards and they're also easier to update so that next time it doesn't have to be a months-long process.

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As a member of the same class of Manhattan Community Board Five as the author, I find the characterization of the former members in this article rather disingenuous and much less than generous.

As unpaid volunteers they dedicated their time and efforts to our community and, regardless of their leadership styles and policies, were models of civic engagement, as is the author.

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Thanks zool for reading and commenting! 🙏 I always appreciate your perspective.

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